Kickboxing - mobilityt
speed and coordination
Kickboxing inspires all actives due to it’s unique combination of physical and mental demands on the body. Enjoy a whole body workout with our professional kickboxing trainers.
As a combination of traditional boxing and kicking, Kickboxing allows a complete body workout training strength, endurance, springiness and coordination for arms and legs as well as exercising reflexes, concentration, self-confidence and bravery.

a full-body workout
Looking to train every muscle from head to toe and powering away all the stress from your day to day work life?
Then the Executive Sports Club kickboxing is what you need. Here you can learn kickboxing supervised by professional trainers and the systematic training schedule guarantees rapid improvements in technique and endurance. You can test your improvements in a friendly sparring-match against one of your fellow kickbox-pupils.
Your exklusive kickbox training
with the Executive Sports Club:
- individually designed training program
- professional kickboxing trainers
- up-to-date training location and equipment
Choose from plenty of training course offerings:

From beginners to advenced levels

company courses in
small groups
Max. 4 members in a group

Individually tailored

professional supervised
Kickboxen – the various courses
The Executive Sports Club offers it’s members weekly Kickboxing courses in the group. For details see our course plan.

Beginners will start by stretching, rope skipping, shadow boxing and sandbag exercises to gain the basic endurance necessary. You will learn elementary attack techniques like jab, punch, uppercut as well as various kicks.

Learn advanced punching and kicking techniques as well as attack combinations and counterattacking. Speed and endurance are trained in interval drills. During sparring-matches you will get an improved sense for distance, improve reflexes and speed.

Enjoy the thrill of standing in the ring and putting the learned techniques to action. Against various opponents and under profession supervision you will learn Kickboxing tactics against different opponents – no matter if offensive or defensive, taller or smaller, heavier or lighter then yourself are.

The ultimate fitness workout concentrating on endurane exercises from boxing and kickboxing techniques. To optimize endurance and coordination.

Kickboxing as Personal Training
Let a personal trainer from the Executive Sports Club put together your individual fitness and health concept.
Our kickboxing personal training offers flexible training hours from 6.30 am to 9.30 pm. We will await you at our training facilities at you scheduled appointment.
You find the Executive Sports Clubs in the „Welle” – Haus 5, Reuterweg 18 in Frankfurt am Main – behind the Alte Oper. Parking facilities are available in the „Welle”.
The training ca take place on other location on request.