Boxing - The fascination
of power
The versatility of physical and mental challenges of boxing remains fascinating for many. You too can train your overall state of fitness with our professional boxing trainers.
Boxing is one of the oldest sports disciplines for mankind. It has also remained one of the most popular disciplines – not only for spectators. The reason for this is that there are only few sports activities that offer the complete workout program such as boxing does. It is all about power, stamina, speed and coordination. In addition, it has an enhancing effect on your mental fitness: boxing educates reflexes as well as concentration skills, and it brings out perseverance, self-confidence and courage.
For your overall fitness
Wollen Sie Ihre Fitness von Kopf bis Fuß trainieren, Abstand vom Alltag gewinnen und den Stress rauspowern?
Unser Leistungsangebot richtet sich an diejenigen in und um Frankfurt am Main, die ein Sportangebot der Extraklasse suchen. Unsere Trainer zeichnen sich durch hohe Kompetenz und jahrelange Erfahrung aus. Gepaart mit dem Training in offenen Gruppen, Small Groups oder dem Personal Training entsteht für Sie eine intensive und individuelle Betreuung mit hoher Flexibilität.
Ihr exklusives Boxtraining im Executive Sports Club:
- Tailored programs for individual needs
- Professional training for boxing carried out by skilled trainers from the Deutschen Sport Bund and from the Deutscher Amateurboxverband (the German sports federation and the German boxing association)
- Optimally-equipped training facilities and training equipment
training module
Choose from our extensive training program.
From beginners and advanced levels
company training in
small groups
With max. 4 participants
Individually tailored
Boxing – Setting the course
The Executive Sports Club offers its members weekly boxing- or martial arts courses. For detailed information see our course plan.
As a beginner you develop gymnastics, skipping, shadow boxing and sandbag training and learn basic skills. You learn and train basic attacking techniques like the Jab, Punch, Hook and Uppercut.
Learn new hit techniques for attack combinations and counter techniques. You train your condition and foot work in intervall drills. You, together with a partner, develop reflexes, speed and the feel for distance.
Practice a free match (light contact) in boxing. With different partners you use your newly-learned techniques for attacks, defense, and counter. You learn boxing tactics for different types of opponents – whether offensive or defensive boxing; tall or small people, heavy- or light weight opponents.
Ihr ultimatives Fitness-Workout besteht überwiegend aus den umfassenden Konditionsübungen des Boxens und Kickboxens. Damit optimieren Sie sowohl Kondition als auch Koordination.
Boxing as Personal Training
Let a personal trainer from the Executive Sports Club put together your individual fitness and health concept.
Our boxing personal training takes place at flexible times between 6.30 pm and 9.30 pm. You can set up appointments with us and then come to our training facilities.
You find the Executive Sports Clubs in the „Welle” – Haus 5, Reuterweg 18 in Frankfurt am Main – behind the Alte Oper. Parking facilities are available in the „Welle”.
The training ca take place on other location on request.